Friday, October 13, 2006

Stuffing - Why?

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of stuffing? I mean, essentially, isn’t stuffing just dried up old crusty bread? I mean, who thought, “Hey, let’s throw some boiling water on this stale bread, fluff it up with a fork, and serve it next to perfectly good meat.”? I just don’t get it.

My husband loves stuffing – chicken stuffing, turkey stuffing, vegetable stuffing…you get the idea. I don’t think of myself as a picky eater, but every time I make stuffing for him, I just stare at the crouton-like bread in the package and think, “Ick.”

I may not think of myself as a picky eater. My husband would disagree. But he’s a man who will try anything at least once. He would probably go on Fear Factor just to sample the bug cuisine. I stick mostly to safe and traditional foods. “Stuffing’s traditional,” you say. Okay, so maybe not all traditional foods.

I love food, I really do. It is my comfort, my crutch, and the altar of my greatest weakness.

But I just can’t bring myself to touch the stuffing.

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