Friday, October 06, 2006

Controversial Blogging?

I recently discovered several of my cousins have blogs! It has been so interesting to read them and get caught up on their lives. It sounds like a lot of people talk about their day-to-day activities on their blogs. I’d do that more often if I thought my life wouldn’t put people to sleep. Ha! Ha!

Anyway, the reason I bring up the blogs is because one of my cousins recently posted an entry where she brought up a pretty controversial topic – birth control. Or the lack thereof. The next day she posted another entry talking about how people had been very unkind in their comments to her last entry.

It’s true. There are some topics that just get people’s blood pumping. They feel passionately about a subject, and if there are two sides to it, a debate rages. We all have our hot button issues. If you know me at all, or if you’ve even read a smidgeon of this blog, you know that I feel very strongly about women’s rights. And, as a sub-topic, I support Christian women’s right within the home and church. I suppose there are a lot of people who would disagree with me and relegate women to being barefoot, pregnant, uneducated, uninformed, and not equipped to make the world a better place. They may not phrase it like that, but there are still a lot of people who support the Donna Reed persona of women.

So, I got to thinking about topics where I have seen people rage in debate – Christian and non-Christians. Here are the topics I immediately came up with – general and specific:

The war in Iraq
Illegal immigration
Birth Control
Breast Feeding (I’m serious. You wouldn’t believe the fan club breast feeding has.)
Home schooling vs. Private/Public School

There are tons more, but those were my immediate thoughts. It’s amazing how little I care about those topics. I have absolutely no opinion on the war in Iraq, illegal immigration, politics, or politicians. The other things I have opinions on, but there is only one I would care more passionately about – and those of you who know me know which one.

As far as Birth Control, Breast Feeding, and Home schooling - I look at those as personal choice and leave it at that. But I have to say that it’s really hard for me to take breastfeeding seriously as a topic. I mean, really?

So, I just want to say to my cousin - keep at it! Keep blogging and enjoy your personal expression. I may disagree with you on your topic (and I do). But if you feel passionately about it – you should campaign for it!

Long live free speech!


Jennittia said...

Hats off to this one!! You hit the nail on the head with to "hot topics." As a mom to almost four and an avid bottle feeder, you would not believe the criticism I have endured by breast-feeding moms. I can now just look someone in the eye and say, "what I do with my boobs is not your business!" And I never thought I would take heat from other Christians for sending my kids to a Christian school, but sure enough, those homeschoolers... Like you said, though, everyone has a personal choice. I just can't stand it when people critcize you for choosing differently!!

Ann-Marie said...

I didn't believe the breast feeding thing myself, J, until I saw a fight break out between two (otherwise totally normal) moms. And I agree about the homeschoolers. I don't get it either. And you're right, it is hard to endure criticism. But at least we can take solace in the fact we know we're right. :-)