Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New (and oft visited) Links

I’ve added a couple of new links to my blog. These are two websites I visit on a regular basis and have found EXTREMELY helpful!

The first helps to satisfy my insatiable curiosity about movies I haven’t seen but still want to know “how it ends.” I don’t necessarily WANT to sit though all these – often badly made movies – but I still want to know the ending.

This website,, helps by spoiling or “pooping” a HUGE number of movies. You will need to enable pop-ups temporarily for the site to work, since it is on a “frame” system. I could sit and read endings on this site all day long (if I didn’t have to work), so I will add a little warning that it CAN be VERY addictive, especially to movie buffs like me.

But it’s worth it if it saves me from spending $8.50 on a sub-par movie!

I ran across the second link before going on vacation with Brett’s family. Since ALL his family does on vacation is sit on the beach or go fishing, I knew I was going to have to bring books along to keep myself from going insane from boredom.

But, I didn’t want to just “take a stab” at choosing good books, and since I’m a mystery fan (blame my Mom for all the Victoria Holt and Dick Francis books she read and recounted to me while I was growing up!), I found this site,, which rates mystery books on a 1 to 5 star system.

The site also groups the mysteries by type – Suspense, Thriller, Historical, etc. I chose books for my vacation (5 stars only) based on the site’s recommendations, and I was VERY impressed with how much I enjoyed the books (and did not, as a result, kill myself from boredom).

Since then, I’ve returned to the site to choose each new mystery based on a 4 – 5 star rating, and I’ve yet to be disappointed. The site also has a section that describes the plot without (obviously) giving the story away. I highly recommend it!

I’ve posted both links at right. Give them a try, and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

BJ Boehm said...

I used that "movie pooper" for preminition...and might use it in the future for movie that look really really bad, to see if I would like the outcome enough to watch it on thanks for the link...