Thursday, July 05, 2007

Speaking of Kids in Public Places

I know I’m not the most tolerant person when it comes to misbehaving or loud children in movie theaters or restaurants.

However, I do actually LIKE children a great deal.

So, to show I am not turning into a crazy cat lady who yells at the neighborhood kids to get off her lawn, I thought I should mention something. Twice, in the past two days, I have been at public venues which were swarming with children of every age. The first was the outdoor patriotic concert at Sinnissippi Park in Rockford. The second was the industrial park in Beloit where we watched the fireworks.

At both places, the kids were having a great time – singing at the concert – oohing and aahing at the fireworks. All that extra space allowed them the freedom to move around – catching fireflies at the concerts, playing with sparklers at the fireworks – to just be kids!

And I enjoyed being with them! I liked seeing them laugh, dance to the music, and scream in awe at the fireworks. The fact that kids were there made the events even better for all of us who attended.

I hope that goes a little ways towards redeeming me with my wonderful mom friends who are forever rolling their eyes at me (and I know you do!).


Heidi said...

rolling eyes??? Naaahh, just commenting on your post. ha ha

Wendy said...

Hi. I know you mostly as "October's friend and college roomie"... I've heard all good things! :-) You remind me of my sister actually, except that she is a big cat person. I think my kids drive her nuts sometimes even though she loves them dearly. She says she likes children on an individual basis...

mom2mine said...

who rolls their eyes????

Not me. really.


Ann-Marie said...

Hi, Wendy! I feel like I know you, too. Tob talks about you all the time! She's great, isn't she? Lord knows, she must be to put up with me!

Thanks for reading - I checked out your blog, too. Your little ones are adorable!

Ann-Marie said...

T -
Are you beng sarcastic? Hmmm...are you?

Because I would understand if you DID roll your eyes.

I mean, if I recall, you weren't all that impressed with my overhand volleyball serve back in high school, and I think I saw a little eye-rolling action.

Hmmm...could be. Could be.

Either way, I'm glad I don't drive you nuts!


Anonymous said...

It's true... kids do occasionally add to the ambience. Thanks for noticing =) and for reminding your blog audience.

Oh, and I haven't so much put up with you as been held to a standard of accountability in what I think. You keep me on my toes!

Jennittia said...

I'm all out of comments on kids for now (see comment I just left on the movies one!), but I also hate coffee but had my first taste of Starbucks' iced drinks recently-and oh, my! That is heavenly!