Monday, July 09, 2007

Designating Deacons

One of the best things about being in a small church, at the beginning of a new work, is being there when everything starts.

One thing Brett and I have learned about Morning Star is that no one is driven by tradition. The leadership is driven by precedents set forth in the Bible, and the congregation is such a mix of old conservatism and new middle-of-the-roaders, that everyone is excited to do things differently – or at least NOT just because, “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”

Last night we installed our first three deacons. It was such a blessing to be there as the men of our church laid hands on these three men and prayed that God would prepare them, their wives, and their families for this position in the church.

These men and their wives define humility. They are servants in the true sense of the word. I wouldn’t hesitate a moment to call any of them up if there was a need in our home whether spiritual or tangible.

The truth is that our leadership and our church feel more like family every day. And for someone with as much family as I have, that’s really saying something!

Please pray for Bill, Terry, and Jack as they seek to serve God as deacons of Morning Star Baptist Church.


mom2mine said...

What a relief to be in a church that sees the Bible as the guide not years of precedent.

Isn't is sad that this is unusual?

Karyn said...

I love your summary of last night's service. It was a blessing worth waiting for to have our deacons installed in that way.

Heidi said...

You took what I was thinking and put it into words. Thanks