Friday, July 13, 2007

The Forgetful Friend

Here I was thinking how it was going to be nice to take Friday at my own pace.

Our summer hours are still in effect, so I’ll be getting off at 1:00 p.m. And it’s PAYDAY (yea!)! Then yesterday, I get an e-mail from Angie talking about how much she is looking forward to our movie night this Friday.

“WHAT???” I think. I am so organized with my calendar, and somehow I completely missed this! I double checked my back e-mails – yes, I save my back e-mails; I know I’m a tad OCD – and sure enough, there it was. Me, in black and white, agreeing to a movie night on (gasp!) Friday the 13th! I’m not sure how I missed it!

Anyway, it didn’t really feel right to break the date (even though I have hardly been home this week) since I haven’t seen Angie since her mission trip to Mexico. Plus, she’s been stuck inside with five children on summer break since she got back, and I could tell she was really looking forward to it.

To be honest, I haven’t told Brett yet. He’s normally super supportive and understanding of my need for an outside social life, but there are times when I think he feels neglected. His favorite line is, “I didn’t get married to stay home alone at night. I could have stayed single and done that!”

Plus he is off work on Fridays now, and so he’s actually available to DO stuff on the weekend!

Since the new Harry Potter is on Angie’s schedule, I’m thinking we can invite Brett to see that one with us. That way he won’t feel left out. And since HP is the last movie of the night, Angie and I should still have plenty of girl time beforehand. To prove what a great friend she is, Angie was even okay with me inviting Brett on part of “our” girl movie night.

This is especially nice of Angie, since she and Brett don’t always get along. I once said they were too much alike, and they turned on me…so I don’t say THAT anymore. Still, it was very kind of her to be okay with me adding a third wheel.

We are planning to grab quick eats at Atlanta Bread Company, and then hit Live Free or Die Hard (she hasn’t seen it yet), Transformers, and then Harry Potter at Showplace 16. See, it’s a good thing I get paid today. Otherwise, it would be Murder She Wrote Netflix at home, you know?

Speaking of Netflix, I’m starting a new series…wait for it….Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman! I LOVED that series when it was on air. I can still remember how mad I was when they switched “Colleen’s” in the middle of the series! Hmmm…

Well, anyway, it should be an even busier weekend that I anticipated. Today is the movie night, tomorrow is Game Night Group, and Sunday is church.

And there is this cool wedding thing going on at Midway Village this weekend ( that I was kind of thinking of attending! We’ll just have to see!

You know, I think my house is NEVER going to get cleaned! But that’s okay, since my theory is –

“A Clean House is the Sign of a Misspent Life!”

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I LOVED that series. My dad HATED it. It was an interesting love-hate relationship. I too was upset when they changed Colleens.