Friday, March 30, 2007

Ambitious April

April is starting to stack up as quite a busy month. I’m a social person (when it doesn’t involve cleaning my house or having people over), so I’m glad to see it fill up.

Here’s what’s on my dance card for April:

Friday, April 6
Dinner and games with Mom, Gary, Angie, and Tim at Angie and Tim’s new house

Sunday, April 8
Easter dinner up in Geneva at Bill and Sally’s (my brother-in-law’s family) with Brett side of the family plus Mom and Gary

Tuesday, April 10
Evening work event WAY out in Boone county – nice, long drive…make me glad I get reimbursed for mileage!

Friday, April 13
Spanish Movie Night – Angie gets extra credit is she goes to movie night for her Spanish Class at Rock Valley College, and she’s asked me to go and be supportive…so I go…and learn some Spanish!

Saturday, April 14 (morning)
Ladies Spring Tea at Mom’s church, First Baptist

Saturday, April 14 (evening)
Play up at Maranatha with Brett, Mom, Gary, Aunt Jan, and Uncle Darryl

Tuesday, April 17
Work dinner and schmoozing with the local YWCA – includes dinner, special speaker, and (again a plus) mileage reimbursement…so it’s not so bad!

Friday – Saturday, April 20 – 21
The Grace and Truth Conference (see link at right), the ladies spring “retreat” event at our church. Mom’s going, too!

Sunday – Thursday, April 22 – 26
Trip to Tennessee to see Charity, Colleen, BJ, and the Gaglianos, and to see Aunt Laurie receive a tribute for twenty years of service as a pastor’s wife at their church, South Haven Baptist. This is still tentative, as I am waiting to see if I can get off work, but it looks very probable. Traveling companions include Mom and Candice. Plus if Grandma decides to go then also Aunt Jan and Aunt Louise. REALLY looking forward to seeing my sister-cousins!

Saturday, April 28
Fiddler on the Roof matinee at the amazing Fireside Dinner Theater. Also attending – Brett, Mom, Gary, Aunt Jan, and Uncle Darryl.

It looks to be QUITE the busy month!

Stuffed Up Snogging...I mean, Blogging!

Well, it turns out I WAS indeed stuffed up. And now, indeed, am quick sick with a COLD!

Ah, yes the spring cold. But, of course, since I am STILL behind on my project, I am here at work, battling it all out. And I’ll be here Saturday, too.

Brett’s off today. Which is kind of too bad, since he TOO has a cold. The two of us sounded like sinus engines last night. I can’t imagine how bad the snoring must have been. Thankfully, we both slept right through each other’s loud honking.

I did have to go in the other room to read my book though, since I kept reading the same line every time he cleared his throat and coughed. Brett’s a big guy with big lungs, so when he coughs, it’s like being all cuddled up to an air horn.

The worst part is that I have a fever (so I’m sweating here at my desk – now I have my fan on me, so it’s a little better) and my head is stuffed up and feels heavy. I just hope to make it though the day okay.

Not many people in my office come to work (or if they come, they don’t stay very long) on Fridays, so not many people should bother me. Probably, Friday IS the best day to be sick and still be at work. And since I now have an office WITH a door, I can just shut it, and most people will only come in if they have to.

My co-workers are an interesting lot. We have (as all offices do) a lot of inter-office politics and a gossip chain like you wouldn’t believe. There are all sort of people in my office, and all with their little “quirks” and ways of beating the “system.”

Just recently, I heard that several of my co-workers think I’m a “hypochondriac.” Which I’m not, so I wasn’t really all that offended.

Ever since this one woman I work with survived her heart attack, she thinks everyone is just “faking” it when they get sick, so I’m pretty sure it came from her. In fact, when I took medical leave for my endometriosis surgery, she changed “medical leave” to “vacation” on the office calendar, and tried to pretend she didn’t.

Again, I don’t care, but I guess I must be at least a little sensitive to it, since I only told one person about this cold before I hid out in my office.

So, I’m “suffering” alone in silence, but at least I shared it with Brett! Now he can’t say I never gave him anything! (Smile)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The OC (Only Child) Syndrome

I have a headache. And I’m all stuffed up. It’s probably sinus stuff. Weather related.

Whatever the case, I feel like a slow-moving slug today! I have a deadline looming – in fact, I’m PAST my deadline, and I’m nowhere near the point in the project I would like to be. I’m probably going to come in on Saturday to get caught up.

This is where I am envious of people who don’t have to work with deadlines. I feel the same way about people (like my factory-worker husband) whose jobs get done while they are away on vacation. When I come back from vacation, my work is still all there, piled high on my desk, waiting for ME to finish it. I KNOW I choose to work at a job with deadlines, but I hate ‘em with a passion.

I read somewhere that only children don’t work well with deadlines. We DO work well under pressure, but we tend to procrastinate and then when things get too big for us, we are easily overwhelmed. Don’t worry, there’s probably a “birth order” explanation to the problems that plague you, too.

Not that long ago, my cousin Charity recommended I read a birth order book. As kids, the two of us had a lot of discussions about how she thought I got everything I ever wanted as an only child (and was a spoiled brat – only somewhat true), and I thought she was the luckiest girl in the world to have a brother and two sisters.

I’m really glad I read the book, since I did learn a lot about myself. Most of what was said about only children DID apply to me. Some of it was new to me, but I found myself nodding in recognition:

The only child develops only child characteristics from having to cope with playing alone and with having to fend off adult intrusion.

Characteristic Bad Feeling: Frustration

Strategies for survival: Imaginary companions, two speeds (fast and slow) for doing things

Felt Loss: Freedom

Sense of Justice: Everyone should be treated equally

Thought Pattern: Organization

T-shirt: "Leave me alone, I'd rather do it myself"

Childhood Behavior: Emotional, Obedient

Emotional Expression: demonstrative, tantrums

Source of Anger: Intrusion

Nature of Humor: Sarcasm

Means of Relating: Projection

Spirituality: Ethical

Relational: Feels others' feelings, fixer of problems

The Child Within: Smothered

Type of Procrastination: Put off big jobs while doing little jobs

Blind spot: What others think/feel

Boundaries: Has them for self and others

A walk in the woods: Stays on the path

Careers: Radio Announcer, Finance, Teaching, Ministry, Management

Strengths: Organizing, Stability

Parenting: Allows children time and space

Marriage: Tries to meet partner's expectations

As Friend: Emotional, Considerate

Social Contributions: Organizational leadership, authors of self-help books

Expression of Love: Worry

Driving Style: As if everyone is going to do the right thing

Listening Style: Puts own meaning into others' words

Common Phrase: "You know"

Responds To: "I don't know about you but...."

From Wikipedia
Only children may have characteristics of either the first born or the youngest child. Adler (1964) believed that because only children have no rivals for their parents' affection, they may be pampered and spoiled by their parents, particularly the mother. He suggested that this could cause later interpersonal difficulties if the person is not universally liked and admired.

Another view of only children, as noted by Alissa Eischens in her paper The Dilemma of the Only Child is that they learn to be children on their own, they learn to depend on themselves, and they have no problem being loners.

Naturally introverted only children may show extroverted qualities if he or she wishes to make friends. On the other hand, naturally extroverted children may learn to show introverted qualities by being content to focus on their thoughts when playmates are unavailable.

I really identified with the nature of humor (sarcastic) and the type of procrastination (SO true for me). Now, of course, I often think of those things when my deadlines loom, and I start to feel overwhelmed.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and I have Saturday, too, so hopefully, I’ll be able to get everything done.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why I Love the Library

Yesterday was a L-O-N-G day.

My work day went extra long, since I decided to help a co-worker. There I was, exhausted, and with still a trip to Satan’s Lair…oops, I mean, Walmart…in front of me. I had reserved some books online at the library, so I decided to stop by the library before heading to Satan’s Lair…oops, there I go again…Walmart.

As I got closer to the library, I began to feel the familiar excitement build up within me. The genuine happiness. I even felt myself speeding up my walk just a little as I stepped though the doors.

I love the library.

It hearkens back to when I was a little girl with no TV or VCR. Instead, Mom took me to the library. I remember the joy of being able to pick out all my own books. With Mom, there was never a limit to how many books I could pick out. I was a voracious speed reader, even at five. And I just read faster the older I got. My books were rarely returned late.

Now, with technology being what it is, I can look for interesting books and reserve them online with only one stop at the library required to pick them up. But, I still like to troll the library when I’m there. To breathe in the smell of book bindings, knowledge, and the expanse of the human mind committed to paper. Unlimited imagination from thousands of authors - all my fingertips. It’s pretty overwhelming and yet amazing at the same time.

I often think how impossible it would be to read every book ever written, and that kind of impossibility just stuns me.

I also love the quiet of the library. I love the fact that the library is place dedicated to silence. It is one of the few places left that has respect for silence and the difference it makes in the intake of knowledge.

One of the reasons I love the library SO much, apart for the childhood memories and the silence, is that it is a public institution. And it’s free. Anyone can walk in those doors and while they are there – the world becomes their oyster.

It’s an amazing thing.

I walked out carrying my stack of reserved books:

Born in Death
The Hard Way
Enslaved by Ducks
Shattering Glass
The House of the Scorpion

Later, I had my trip to Satan’s…I mean, Walmart. I went with Mom, and we enjoyed a quick dinner at Subway. By the time I got home, it was about 9:00 p.m. I was tired and wanted to go straight to bed. As I crawled between the covers, I just couldn’t handle the suspense. I read the first three chapters of Born in Death before I could even close my eyes.

And, do you know? I had great dreams!

New (and oft visited) Links

I’ve added a couple of new links to my blog. These are two websites I visit on a regular basis and have found EXTREMELY helpful!

The first helps to satisfy my insatiable curiosity about movies I haven’t seen but still want to know “how it ends.” I don’t necessarily WANT to sit though all these – often badly made movies – but I still want to know the ending.

This website,, helps by spoiling or “pooping” a HUGE number of movies. You will need to enable pop-ups temporarily for the site to work, since it is on a “frame” system. I could sit and read endings on this site all day long (if I didn’t have to work), so I will add a little warning that it CAN be VERY addictive, especially to movie buffs like me.

But it’s worth it if it saves me from spending $8.50 on a sub-par movie!

I ran across the second link before going on vacation with Brett’s family. Since ALL his family does on vacation is sit on the beach or go fishing, I knew I was going to have to bring books along to keep myself from going insane from boredom.

But, I didn’t want to just “take a stab” at choosing good books, and since I’m a mystery fan (blame my Mom for all the Victoria Holt and Dick Francis books she read and recounted to me while I was growing up!), I found this site,, which rates mystery books on a 1 to 5 star system.

The site also groups the mysteries by type – Suspense, Thriller, Historical, etc. I chose books for my vacation (5 stars only) based on the site’s recommendations, and I was VERY impressed with how much I enjoyed the books (and did not, as a result, kill myself from boredom).

Since then, I’ve returned to the site to choose each new mystery based on a 4 – 5 star rating, and I’ve yet to be disappointed. The site also has a section that describes the plot without (obviously) giving the story away. I highly recommend it!

I’ve posted both links at right. Give them a try, and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hot Enough For Ya?

Well, it seems contradictory to complain, since I did just write about how grateful I am today, but I have just GOT to say something about this heat wave.

Everybody in the Rockford area is just oh-so-delighted about the change in the weather. We’ve gone from 50 to 80 overnight. Kids are out of school on spring break, and oh-just-everyone is SO enjoying this “wonderful weather” we’re having!

Give me a break! It’s hot. It’s TOO hot, already!

Yesterday, our office was SO overheated. We were all sweating like pigs during the workday. My hair was actually WET when I left last night! Out of all the offices, mine is where the central heating duct originates, so I get the full blast of the heat on me FIRST! It’s like sitting near the sun. And my little desk fan can hardly battle the power of the sun, you know?

They finally got the temperature fixed, but it’s still too hot for a heat-a-phobe like me. And what makes it worse is that everybody is just-oh-so-gosh-darn-happy about it.

How can they be so happy when sweat is dripping down my forehead into my eyes causing ME to have a stinging sensation?! Huh? How? When it’s hot, everything sticks to everything, and I feel like a slug who wants to shrivel up!

And my poor bunnies! They are breathing SO hard and look miserable. Like they can’t believe it’s this hot in MARCH!!! They still haven’t shed their winter coats, so the poor things are just suffering. I opened all the windows, turned on the fans, and laid out ceramic tiles for them to lay on.

I really could do without spring and summer. I really could.

When’s the next plane to Greenland?

Morning Melody

Ever since Brett started his new job, we’ve developed a new schedule.

We both get up at 4:30 a.m. He takes a shower and makes breakfast for himself while I make his lunch. He’s out the door by 5:30 a.m., so he can be at work on the south side of Rockford by 6:00 a.m.

That leaves me up and awake with three and half hours to fill before I have to head to work. I’m not used to having that much time in the morning, but I’m finding it awfully convenient.

As time goes on, I’m sure I’ll be able to spend more time on my workout and in devotions, but this morning was just such a peaceful time for me. After Brett headed out the door, I popped a Mary Tyler Moore Show DVD in and enjoyed a long, leisurely breakfast.

Then I went upstairs, pulled up the blinds, opened the windows, and let the summer-like air breeze through the room. I got down on the floor and played with the bunnies, just enjoying the silence of the morning, although it wasn’t that silent, since the birds were chirping and everything. It was amazingly peaceful and calming to me, like a soothing bubble bath for my spirit.

On my way to work, I stopped for an Iced Tangerine Frappaccino at Starbucks. Every time I get an iced drink at Starbucks, I think about my intern days in Chicago. I had to walk 24 blocks one way to work in downtown Chicago, so I would stop by the Starbucks near school and grab an Iced Raspberry Tiazza. I would drink it as slowly as possible as I walked to work, relishing the sights and sounds of professional Chicago. Today, as I sipped my drink, I couldn’t stop smiling as I was transported back to those great days.

Boy, do I miss Chicago!

I was also smiling in the car, since I still felt so inwardly peaceful and tranquil. Of course, that may have been since I WAS listening to the great Johnny Cash on the radio.

Sometimes, I forget to appreciate the days when things go well, when I feel refreshed spiritually and emotionally.

I found myself thanking God for all His provisions. How He provided a husband and a family who love me, good friends, a roof over my head, food in the cupboards, two happy rabbits who make me smile, success and growth in my professional life, and SO much more.

I’m grateful. And the Iced Tangerine Frappaccino doesn’t hurt at all!

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Series!

After finishing the six season Quantum Leap series, I was at a loss! I knew there had to be other TV series out there, but I just didn’t know where to start. Thanks to my friend, Eric, I started watching Prison Break (via Netflix, of course) and am now seriously entrenched in the series.

It’s exciting and gripping AND Brett likes it too, which is nice. He was never much of a Quantum Leap or Smallville fan. But, he’ll sit down to watch Prison Break with me and we’ll end up watching all four episodes on the disc!

Brett has strange tastes in movies, like me, so it is one of the things we have in common.

For instance, I was never really that interested in the Harry Potter series. I just thought it was another kid movie from a book. Big whoop. But Angie and I went the $1.50 theater for a movie and decided (what the hey) that we would watch Harry Potter #3. After that, I was hooked. Those movies are amazingly well made, have great plots, and are whimsical, moving, and entrancing all at the same time.

After fighting with myself for a while, I sacrificed the money to buy Harry Potter 1-4 on DVD. It turned out to be a great investment, since I find myself watching one or the other pretty frequently. And the interesting thing was how much Brett liked the movies.

I would ask him what movie he wanted to watch, and he would say, “You can put one of your Harry Potters in.” He puts the emphasis on your but he wants to watch them even more than I do now!

Back to Prison Break, I would highly recommend it if you are an action/suspense freak like myself. It’s much cleaner than OZ (HBO’s version of prison life) but with a lot of the same-type characters. Plus Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller aren’t exactly hard on the eyes! Ha! Ha!

This show is NOT for the faint of heart, though. If violence makes you squeamish, you’d better stick to The Waltons!

Weekend Wonder – Sunday Edition

On Sunday, we took a L-O-N-G drive to Mt. Morris to celebrate Gary’s granddaughter’s birthday! Brigitte turned FIVE years old! So hard to believe.

The drive there and back, along Route 2, was beautiful. We went through Oregon, along the river, and saw the always-impressive Chief Blackhawk statue. I reminisced about visiting the statue with Mom and Dad when I was a little girl. We also saw White Pines ranch, and Brett told me how his Boy Scout Troop used to come out to the ranch to go riding and spend the night in the bunkhouses.

The weather was so gorgeous, that I (Queen of Don’t-Mess-Up-My-Hair Land) didn’t mind having the window down!

Brigitte’s party was in a dimly-lit, crowded roller rink, but it didn’t matter to her. She’s quite the little roller skater, and oh-so-cute in her custom My Little Pony pink roller skates. She was passing adults out on the skating floor! And she’s FIVE!

So, we adults squeezed into tiny tables and ate bland pizza and yummy cake and watched as she opened presents.

“Bridgy,” as we call her, is a girly-girl (like her aunt). She got lots of PINK, PRINCESSES, and PONIES. We got her a My Little Pony purse with actual long hair she can brush, a coloring book and crayons, and a bunny night shirt. She liked it a lot!

What had us all laughing was the fact that she’s only five, and got five purses for her birthday. I can’t wait until I can take her into Chicago to go shopping at American Girl!

After the party, we headed back home on that beautiful drive. We got groceries, did the bun’s veggie mix for the week, and cleaned.

All in all, a busy, productive weekend!

Weekend Wonder – Saturday Edition

This past Saturday started early for me, since I got in from the movies at 1:15 a.m., but I still managed to get some good sleep!

We got up at about 8:00 a.m., got ready, and headed over to Cracker Barrel to see October – my long lost college roommate, friend, and bridesmaid – who we hadn’t seen in SEVEN LONG YEARS!

We got there and reserved a table for TWEVLE! Thankfully, they were able to accommodate us.

It was great to see “Tob” – her nickname. She looks the same, except for now she has four beautiful children – Diego, Liana, Sergio, and Esteban. She also brought her neighbor’s delightful daughter Gabrielle “Gabby” to help with the younger children.

Her children were absolutely beautiful and (may I add as an often cynical non-child-having person) very well behaved at the restaurant! And I have to say that my heart broke out in smiles when she introduced me to her daughter (who is partially named after me) as “Mommy’s best, best, best, bestest friend in the whole, wide world!”

It was as nice as it is mutual! Tob’s daughter, Liana, is named after two of her college friends – Tiana as the “iana” part, and me as the “ana” part! I’ve never had anyone named after me before, and it was a great honor when Tob told me after Liana was born!

We were only able to spend about two hours together, but it was so refreshing to see Tob again! It brought back the flood of memories and (as it always is with real friends) we were able to pick up right where we left off! We could have talked for hours!

Mom and Gary were also able to come and see Tob – Mom loved all my college roommates! And brought Gary’s grandchildren – Andrew and Brigitte with them. So, I got to see my niece and nephew and (of course) do a little spoiling!

Later, Brett and I headed to Game Night Group. There was a smaller crowd than normal, but still a nice group. There was us, of course, Mom and Gary, Larry and Mary, Patty, Ginny, Andrea, (and Andrea’s kids – Rachel, Nathan, and Andrew – who are growing up so fast, almost THREE teenagers now!).

We enjoyed pizza lasagna, spaghetti, taco soup, cheese, salad, and Mary’s special cake! Brett and company (Ginny and Gary) played Ten Pennies, while the rest of us played Trivial Pursuit – Pop Culture Edition! My team – me, Mom, Andrea, and Rachel – WON! Whoo-Hoo! Our team won again at Scene It – TV Edition, but with Patty replacing Mom, since she and Gary went home early.

Rachel (Andrea’s daughter) was our “lucky” roller! That girl is gifted with dice! I told Andrea that it looks like Rachel had a future in gambling – ha, ha – and Andrea said that wasn’t quite the career she had in mind… but if it makes her happy, then… (Smile).

It was another long night, with Brett and I finally getting home from Durand around 1:00 a.m. But being exhausted always better when it’s for a good reason. Like being with good friends!

Weekend Wonder – Friday Edition

This past weekend is exactly the weekend I love – a weekend filled with things to do, people to see, and time to spend with my husband!

On Friday, Angie and I went to the movies. Due to some weird scheduling, over the past two weeks we saw SEVEN movies. Normally, we see three (maybe four) movies a month. Maybe. But these past two weeks our schedules worked out, so we could see seven. Brett went to one, Shooter, with us. But other than that, it was just the two of us.

Here are the movies we saw:

Zodiac – Excellent! Very suspenseful and well told movie about the Zodiac killings in San Francisco in the 70’s.

Wild Hogs – Somewhat lame comedy about middle aged motorcyclists. William H. Macy stole the show, since Tim Allen, John Travolta, and Martin Lawrence just phoned it in.

Ghost Rider – Nicholas Cage stars as the comic book hero who makes a deal with the devil. A lot of more Satanic references than we expected. Not worth the money or a rental.

Premonition – Sandra Bullock does a great job acting, but the plot about the woman who is living the days of the week out of order and trying to stop her husband’s immanent death was thin and not very believable.

ShooterMmm… Mark Wahlberg stars in a gripping story about a man hired to stop a presidential assassination, but is (instead) framed for it, and how he manages to redeem himself. Very good – rental material!

The Last Mimzy – This was billed as a kids’ movie, but neither Angie nor I thought it was appropriate for kids (although our theater was filled with them!). It is about two children who find futuristic toys and then have to try and save the future. A good premise that gets very weird at the end – sort of hinging on a non-Christian view of a “new Adam and new Eve.” Not worth the time.

Reign Over Me – Adam Sandler surprised us both with a strong dramatic story about a man who is emotionally traumatized after he loses his wife and three daughters in a plane on September 11. Don Cheadle stars as his long-lost college roommate who becomes his only friend. Angie and I really liked this movie and felt it was a solid drama well worth our $8.50.

Along with the movie, we enjoyed the previews for the upcoming movies and tried to come to a consensus on which movies to put on our “list.” It’s funny –whenever we watch a preview, we turn to each other and often ask simultaneously, “Is that on our list?”

Our list gets long sometimes, and we have to switch the movies to our Netflix lists if the DVD comes out before we can make it to the theater.

Here are a few currently on our “list”:

Meet the Robinsons
The Lookout (we like Joseph Gordon-Levitt!)
Perfect Stranger
Land of Women
Nanny Diaries
The Invisible
Spider Man 3
Knocked Up
Fantastic Four – Rise of the Silver Surfer

Now, we probably won’t be able to see them all, but that’s what makes Netflix SO great!

When we weren’t watching the movies, we checked out Angie's new fancy-dancy-all-in-one-phone – she can e-mail and everything! So cool!

As usual, we had a great time, but I got in trouble when I was a game night. People were like, “Hey! Invite us next time!” So, I guess I’ll have to do that!

I ended up getting home around 1:15 a.m. on Saturday morning. We started the moves at 3:40 p.m. on Friday, so I guess you could say it was long, FUN night!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Being Blissfully Busy

My, my - what a busy weekend I have planned!

It didn’t start out that way. All I had on the slate originally was my niece Brigitte’s birthday party on Sunday. And church on Sunday, of course.

Brigitte is Gary’s daughter, Camille’s, daughter, so technically she’s my step-niece, but they throw all that out and just let us adore her! She is going to be five years old already! She had JUST been born when Mom and Gary got married. In fact, we had to do a lot of guesswork on Camille’s bridesmaid dress since she was going to be giving birth just a little while before the wedding!

Brigitte has always adored her Uncle Brett, which is nice since he doesn’t have a special relationship with any of his nephews or his niece. And I, of course, as an only child, didn’t have any nieces or nephews “biologically.”

Anyway, Brigitte and Brett share a special relationship. I don’t know what it is about him, but Brigitte just treats him like a jungle gym. She climbs all over him.

In fact, once when he fell asleep on the couch, she snuck up and silently covered him in My Little Pony stickers. He woke up and was simply clothed in pink and purple glitter stickers! He thought it was the funniest thing, and I’ve got the photos to prove it!

One of the cuter moments happened when we visited Dave (Camille’s husband), Camille, and family right after they moved to Dixon. Mom and I came in the door together while Gary and Brett went to go park the cars.

Brigitte came running up to me and asked, “When is your daddy going to get here? Where is your daddy?” So, I explained to her that I didn’t have a “daddy” anymore, and that her mom was letting me share HER daddy – Gary.

Then, Brett walked in the door, and Brigitte raced toward him screaming, “Your daddy’s here! Your daddy’s here!” Oh, I had so much fun calling Brett “Daddy” that night! We laughed our heads off at that!

So, we are always excited to see Dave, Camille, Brigitte, and Andrew – our amazing nephew! We are heading out to the White Pines Roller Rink in Dixon on Sunday to help Brigitte celebrate five great years.

In the meantime, my weekend filled up! Angie, Brett, and I are going to the movies tonight. We are planning to see Shooter (with the “talented” Mark Wahlberg), The Last Mimzy (with Rainn Wilson), and Reign Over Me (with a “dramatic” Adam Sandler).

Saturday morning, October, my college roommate who I haven’t seen in SEVEN years, will be in town. We are planning to meet up at the Cracker Barrel in Rockford, but we only have a little time, since she has to be in Chicago by early afternoon. I’ll finally be able to meet her three children and her adopted son! I’m so excited!!!! I’ve missed her SO much!

Saturday evening is Game Night Group, and of course, Sunday is already full with church and the family birthday party!

I’m a social person, so this kind of weekend just makes me feel incredibly blessed to have friends and family who want to spend tome together.

And it means that I won’t have a single iota of time to clean the house. Now, THAT’S the real blessing!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Me & Mom’s Menagerie

Now that Mom is retired, she finally has time to go through all the “stuff” she has managed to accumulate over the years. And, since she is an ever-evolving person, she’s decided to try and sell some of it on ebay. My web savvy cousin Candice is going help her.

Due to this, Mom and I have been having this interesting little back and forth conversation. I want to look at the stuff she is putting on ebay BEFORE she puts it on, in case it is something important to me - something I want to remember my childhood or my parents by.

Mom doesn’t understand this. After all, it’s HER stuff, and she can do with it what she wants. And if makes her a little extra money, then that’s even better. And she insists it’s nothing I would want anyway.

We’ve had this conversation several times. The main points:

Me: Let me look at the stuff before you sell it. I might want some of it.

Mom: It’s not your stuff, besides you wouldn’t want it anyway.

Me: How do you know that? You didn’t think I’d want the big, brass duck-shaped bubble gum machine, and I did.

Mom: What would you do with the stuff, anyway? And what happens to it after you die?

Me: You don’t know what things I would want to remember my childhood by. And I’m only 28. There is still a chance I might be able to have kids and pass it on. And even if not, what’s the harm in me keeping important family heirlooms?

Mom: They’re not important. It’s mostly junk. I’m telling you, you wouldn’t want it anyway.

Rinse and repeat.

So, let me set the record straight. I have NO problem with Mom selling her stuff on ebay. That’s fine. The only reason I want to look at the stuff beforehand is because…well, that’s the tough part.

See, I love being an only child. Heck, I’d advocate for it. Except…one of the toughest parts of BEING an only child is that you have no one to share childhood family memories with. In other words, I can never say, “Hey, remember that time when Dad…” to anyone.

My cousins – CCC & B – can share memories of their deceased mom whenever they want to. They have a shared family heritage. I, on the other hand, only have my mom, and should she “go” before I do, I’ll have no one to reminisce over the things Dad or Mom did. Just me.

So it often helps my emotional state to be in the presence of the “things” that make up my memories. Like the big, brass duck – from when Mom went through her ducks-in-the-kitchen phase, and Dad used to say, “I don’t know whether to eat or hunt in here!”

Or the chocolate ceramic bunny Mom put out every Easter. Now I put it out. Every time I look at it, I smile, remembering closet doors slamming and crawling under the couch to look for my hidden Easter baskets as a kid.

Yes, they are just “things,” and I know people are more important than things. But I don’t HAVE as many people as most, so I hope you can excuse my little emotional need to have some “things” to surround myself with when I’m feeling nostalgic.

On the plus side, if Mom does decide to put it all on ebay, at least I can bid on it! And the cost of shipping won’t kill me.

Turbulent Tuesday

Mom called me at work yesterday to tell me that our friend Andrea’s grandmother died. She discovered it accidentally when she was reading the paper, and then she read that the visitation was that day (yesterday). She asked me if I wanted to go to the visitation with her.

I had already planned to go to Weight Watchers, so I called my WW buddy and let her know what had come up. So, Mom picked me up from work and we headed to Fitzgerald’s Funeral Home over on S. Mulford.

While we were standing in line, we saw photos of Andrea’s family tree. It is kind of a weird connection that Mom and I have to Andrea. I knew Andrea from Windsor, and when Mom met her, she discovered that she and Andrea’s dad, Ralph, had gone to high school together! Small world.

Since it was Ralph’s mother that had died, there were some old photos of a much younger Ralph, back in his high school days, when Mom knew him. She pointed the photos out to me, and then said, “He kind of looks like that kid in October Sky.” She meant Jake Gyllenhaal – also star of the now-famous “gay cowboy movie” Brokeback Mountain.

I found the comparison pretty funny, since Andrea’s dad now looks more like an older version of Dennis Franz. When I passed the “compliment” on to Andrea, she laughed and said that it was more of an insult to Jake than anything. Actually, I believe her actual words were, “Poor Jake. He must really be going to go downhill as he gets older!”

After the visitation, Mom and I decided to try a new place to eat – Old Chicago, on East State. Neither of us had ever gone there – me, since I’d heard it was more of a beer drinking establishment, and Mom just never had the chance.

Well, Mom was REALLY in the mood for a pizza, so she wanted to try it. It was pretty good. We had two really nice waitresses. The appetizer tray was good – especially the pepperoni rolls which were made of pepperoni, ranch dressing, and cheese – all baked into a calzone-type roll. Mmmmm. Delicious!

The pizza was good, but not the best pizza I’ve ever had. Still, Mom and I enjoyed two slices each and saved the rest for my hungry hubby back at home.

Afterwards, we stopped by the Dollar Store and picked up some bargains, before heading back to my office, so I could grab my car and head home.

When I got home, I was SO tired. I took a Jacuzzi and then crawled into bed. I remember thinking, “Gosh, it must be SO late.” Then I looked at the clock. It was only 9:42 p.m.! My schedule must have been WAY off. So, I snuggled up with my $1 book I just bought (originally sold for $20) and eventually dropped of to sleep.

It was very eventful evening. I got to “be there” for a good friend. Spend time with my favorite person (my mom – like you didn’t know), enjoy a yummy dinner, AND go shopping!

Sometimes, it’s nice to stop and appreciate it when things work out so well! Well, except for someone dying, of course, that part was sad, but otherwise...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It’s Summertime, and the Drivin’ Is Crazy

What is it about the warm weather that brings out every moron who thinks they can drive?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m GLAD they don’t drive in the winter, but I really wish they wouldn’t drive in the summer either.

You know who I’m talking about. That obnoxious teenager who thinks he’s invincible and immortal. Who drives like he is.

How about the chit-chatty, bar-hopping, on-spring-break college students who think they own the road…and the world.

And, of course, now that Grandma and Gramps can stand the weather without a shawl, they join in the fray with their 20-mile-per-hour slow crawl down Hwy. 251.

We normal, responsible drivers don’t stand a chance.

And Candice, if you dare tell anyone about that time I ran a red light with you on spring break, you’re in trouble!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Working with Wit II

Here are two more funny e-mails I and a different co-worker sent after discovering that people in our office were slacking off when it came to the staff kitchen and lounge.

My co-worker:
Okay – I am truly getting tired of this. I am not your Mother and if I were, there would be a lot more fireworks at finding lettuce and other salad remains in the sink in the staff lounge.

This is Tuesday, the lettuce is still green, and so someone TODAY had salad and then rinsed the bowl in the sink and rudely left the scraps. Please be a responsible adult and clean it out. There is a garbage container in the staff lounge for that purpose.

Okay, I’m going to piggyback on ***’s comment. We ALL need to be responsible kitchen users.

This is not your dorm room or your first apartment.

*** generously cleaned out the microwave – which was truly disgusting, so if you have ever used or continue to use the microwave, please be sure to thank her. However, I know this was NOT a pleasant task, so let’s try not to get it dirty again. It’s a simple matter of rinsing the plate, drying it, and putting it back in the microwave.

Also, if ***’s aggravation is lunch remains in the sink, mine is unwashed coffee cups in the sink. In the past, it has gotten so bad that there are NO clean coffee cups, and I’m forced to wash someone else’s dirty cup just to have a cup of tea!

Last rant of the e-mail – don’t stockpile silverware in your office. Please use it and return it to the drawer. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that gets tired of choosing from one grapefruit spoon and a dessert fork when I’m trying to eat lunch.

I’m with *** – let’s start being the responsible adults we all are.

It’s hard to believe I work in an office with supposedly “responsible” adults!

Working with Wit

There are days when working in an office environment just drains you of every ounce of positive energy. One fun way to make the whole thing bearable is to commiserate with your co-workers. This is especially fun when the SAME co-worker is driving you BOTH nuts. Here are some funny e-mails I unearthed from recent Friday afternoon when my co-worker and I (apparently) had enough with a *certain* person.

My co-worker:
Did you hear what she just said to me? She asked me if her taking over meetings was helpful or endearing….

So, I smiled…because that would be neither….

And I responded with….”ummm…sometimes it’s helpful, and other times it’s oh my! Don’t talk to her today!”

She laughed…I think she knows that she’s crazy….

One surefire sign of madness is thinking that you may be going mad. Perhaps she’s finally at that point.

Endearing? More like Endora from Bewitched.

My co-worker:
How can taking over a meeting and acting like a crazed person be endearing? Endearing? Really? Nothing about her screams endearing.

Screaming seems like the right response to her taking over a meeting.

My co-worker:
Talk about a Freudian slip! I meant “seems” endearing. I guess my subconscious knows what I really mean.

Contented and Conflicted

I say this, because I am (once again) NOT pregnant. I thought (as I often do) I might have been, but no. And this time, I barely felt the sting. I sincerely believe God is bringing a gentle peace and the very real acceptance of a possible childless existence.

Some people at our church have started the adoption process for a Chinese baby. They are looking at actually having the child in hand in 2010. Brett and I asked them about it, and our suspicions were confirmed. It’s long process with a price tag in the neighborhood of $12,000, with the inflation possibility of $20,000.

Or, from our human standpoint, absolutely unthinkable.

So, no babies. It’s okay. Usually, I don’t think they are all that cute, anyway. And all that pooping.

There is something I have been thinking about.

Foster care.

There are new billboards all over Rockford advertising for new foster parents. Apparently, they are in short supply.

My aunt and uncle were foster parents for a number of years. My cousin Steve was a sweetheart of a teenager with a very sad “real” home life. My aunt and uncle saved him in a very real sense. My other cousin, Anthony, was a foster child that my aunt and uncle adopted. He is a real part of our family now.

Several of my “real” cousins SHOULD have been in foster care, since their father beat them mercilessly. Hindsight is 20/20, though. I was only eight when my cousin revealed his bruises. If only I’d known what to do. I will always feel like I failed him.

Back to the foster kids, I know what you’re thinking. Because I’m thinking it, too. What do I know about raising children? And you’re right. I don’t know anything. Would I screw up a kid even worse than they already were? Or could Brett and I really make a difference?

We haven’t really talked about it. I think we are both scared to talk about it. The truth is that I want the experience. And I don’t mean changing diapers. I mean, being a parent. Or maybe just being someone who can help a child.

We have a house. We have extra rooms. But, we don’t know. Like I said, it’s a scary topic. Part of me thinks I’m ready, and part of me is screaming that it’s the craziest thing I have ever considered. What if we get some psycho kid who burns down our house and tortures our rabbits? What if we get a sweet little girl who just needs a safe place to sleep? All the questions.

I’m seriously thinking about calling my aunt and uncle and asking them about it. Maybe seeing if Brett and I should go to an informational meeting.

It’s strange. I’m content, but I’m also conflicted. Prayer will help, I know, but sometimes I’d just like a glowing neon sign.

Or maybe those billboards are God’s way of getting my attention.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grace and Truth Conference

Our church is hosting a women's conference in April. Here is the information, if you are interested. Thanks!

More WGW

Correct: Supernaturally
The way my Pastor says it: Supernaturality
(I always think of supercalifragilistic expealidocious)

Correct: Frustration
Incorrect: Fuss Tration

Correct: Surprise
Incorrect: S’up Prize

Words Gone Wild

My mom often gets mad when I correct her speech or grammar. I’ve been doing it since I was 13, and I just can’t stop. I think it is the writer in me. Lately, I’ve noticed that other people’s mispronunciation of words or JUST PLAIN MAKING WORDS UP drives me a little nuts.

So, I’ve decided to start a little list of annoying “Words Gone Wild.” Here are the first few contributions:

Correct: Wash
Incorrect: Warsh, as in “Go warsh your hands.”
Incorrect Variation: Warshington D. C.

Correct: Supposedly
Incorrect: Supposably – it’s NOT A WORD, people

Correct: Impact (NOT used as a verb!)
Incorrect: Impact used a verb.
Correct usage: His speech really had an impact on me.
Incorrect usage: His speech impacted me.

Correct: Gourmet
Incorrect: Gore Met (as pronounced)

Correct: Debut
Incorrect: Dee Butt (as pronounced)

Correct: Valentine’s Day
Incorrect: Valen T
imes Day

Correct: Toilet
The way my mom says it: Tahlet

Do you share my frustration?!

Romantic and Running Ragged (but in a good way)

Yeah, yeah. Like you want to hear all about my surprise date night with my husband. Well, too bad. I’m telling it anyway. Whose blog is it anyway? (Smile)

It all happened kind of spontaneously. Which for Brett and I is pretty amazing. I’m a planner, and while Brett doesn’t plan in advance for ANYTHING, he is also not exactly spontaneous. I don’t, for instance, receive flowers on a random day for no good reason.

Brett may not be a spontaneous romantic, but he is romantic. One of the reasons I married him is that he pursued me, and (even though it surprises me) he still does. One of his favorite things in the world is when I decide to be romantic in return. And not just in THAT way. Although, it can be said, he enjoys that, too!

Anyway, since Brett started his new job, he has been a different person. It is like he is finally reverting back to the man I married. He’s not been depressed, or in a bad mood, or nearly as angry at life. It’s been great having him “back.”

Yesterday, I realized I had a nice profit check from Mary Kay – almost $50! We haven’t budgeted my Mary Kay for anything, so generally I just put it my checking account and use it for my various nights out. But yesterday, I got to thinking about Brett and how much I love him. So, on my way home, I called him and told him I was taking him out for a surprise date night!

We went to DiGiovanni’s in Roscoe for dinner. The food was amazing! We both had soup and salad. Brett had the shrimp dinner with au gratin potatoes, and I had the Tri-Color Pasta with Alfredo Sauce. Oh my yum, it was GOOD! We held hands in the candlelight and reminisced about our dates in Chicago.

Dating in Chicago provides you with lots of cheap but great things to do. Our favorites were long walks by Lake Michigan in the winter, exploring Navy Pier, and finding little neighborhood parks where we could sit and talk. So, reliving those memories and the first years of our being together was a nice way to spend the evening.

After dinner, we went home and settled in to watch our favorite shows – Jericho (Brett’s), Criminal Minds (Me), and Lost (Both). It was SO relaxing and calming. For the first time since that horrible December, I felt like we were a family again. Finally in sync again, you know?

It was a really nice night, and the fact that it was unexpected and unplanned made it even better. The only thing it added was another night of being “out.”

This week is turning out to be much busier than I originally expected. The only “out” night was supposed to be Tuesday. I was going to meet Candice after Weight Watchers for dinner at Taylor Street Pizza. Candice and I haven’t seen each other in a while, so we both wanted to get together BUT she called me and said she had an offer to go to Chicago Tuesday night. I told her to go and enjoy herself – I know I would!

So, I called Angie to see if she could fill in last minute. Thankfully, she was in Rockford and sans children, so she was up for getting together. We ended up going to (where else?) the movies and saw the new movie Zodiac. It was SO good. Very interesting, chilling, and yet suspenseful – I would totally recommend it to any murder-mystery buffs! It was one of the few movies I felt justified paying $8 to see.

Last night, of course, Brett and I had out surprise date night. Tonight, I have dinner plans with Carleen, and tomorrow Angie and I are on for our (previously scheduled) movie night. I’m working part of Saturday, so that means that (really) I only had Monday night and this Sunday night free of “stuff.” I enjoy going out and being social, but I also like those nights where I can be at home and get caught up!

I’m not complaining, though. I learned the value of good friends the hard way, and I’m not about to give that up! Thankfully, Brett’s understanding, and we appreciate each other more when we are home together.

It’s nice when the glass is half full for a change. Of course, it would be even nicer if the glass were half full of Diet Coke! (Ha!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Off the Hard Stuff

Well, today makes three full weeks I have been off Diet Coke.

I know it may seem inconsequential. But to me, it is a big deal. You see, I was a Diet Coke addict. A junkie. I started drinking Diet Coke in high school. By college, I had graduated to five or six cans a day. I cut down a little when I started working, but up until just three weeks ago, I was still drinking at least three cans a day.

I crave the caffeine and the burning sweet taste of Diet Coke. I crave it with or without food. The problem was that Diet Coke (well, any caffeinated, carbonated beverage actually) was not helping my blood pressure. It was the major definite my doctor gave me. “Cut the caffeine, or cut your life span,” were her actual words. She also recommended I “cut sweets” but (frankly) I’d rather cut off my left arm. Which I might have to do if I ever get diabetes! (Smile).

So, I’m off “the hard stuff.” I know that most people think of “the hard stuff” as alcohol, and that’s okay, but in my toned-down, conservative view, Diet Coke is about as dangerous as I can handle. And turns out, alcohol is just as bad for my health, so it’s not like I could switch from Diet Coke to wine. Also, coming from a family of alcoholics (both sides), I think I’ve learned to stay away from it.

Still, it’s hard to be without my Diet Coke. Nothing tastes as good as Diet Coke. And nothing tastes good with water. I mean - hot, cheesy pizza with… water (yuck). Buttery, salty popcorn with… Crystal Light (ewww). But I’m doing it. A little at a time, and maybe my taste buds will change. But I don’t think so.

The important thing is that I’ve weaned myself off a dangerous and addicting habit. That’s a real, tangible accomplishment. And I do feel better. My mind is clearer. I’m more relaxed and less anxious. I sleep better at night, and my blood pressure is WAY down.

In a way, my Diet Coke addiction reminds me of sin. I desire it like a drowning man desires air. It’s always within my reach. No one has to know if I take “just one.” It really doesn’t hurt anyone other than me.

And yet…it could contribute to help kill me.

So, like with sin, I just have to keep trying everyday to resist the Diet Coke urge which will probably never go away, and know that it is the best thing for me. Thankfully, God can help me with both problems!

There’s just one more thing… do you think there’s Diet Coke in heaven?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Joys of the Job & Friday’s Fanfare!

Okay – first the BIG news. I am now allowed to tell you that…Brett has a new job!

He has been hired on and is currently in training at the GIANT Lowe’s Distribution Center in Rockford. He will be driving a fork-lift, working 10 hour days (that’s right, I said DAYS again), and working Monday – Thursday, with Fridays - Sundays off. He is very excited about the job and seems to like it a lot.

Me? Well, I’m just glad he’s happy. And really glad he’s home at night again.

Now, on to this past weekend…

Since Brett is off on Fridays now, he offered to accompany me to my second cousin Joyce’s memorial service. There were a lot of Rehfeldt family members there. Mom and Gary, Uncle Scott, Uncle Dave and Aunt Venita, Aunt Louise, and Uncle Bruce (Rehfeldt, not Berg).

I got two new juicy pieces of family gossip. Uncle Bruce is engaged! To “Yola,” - you may have met her if you were at the Rehfeldt family reunion out at Aunt Louise’s this past summer. And my cousin Jason and his wife Jennie are expecting! Wonderful news!

The memorial service was very nice. Uncle Scott was kind of the Master of Ceremonies. He led us all in a couple verses of Amazing Grace, shared a moving story about Cousin Joyce’s “hugs,” and opened the floor to others who wanted to share. There is always that awkward moment when you don’t know if anyone is going to come forward to say anything about the departed, but thankfully several people came forward and gave lovely tributes to Joyce.

That evening, Mom, Angie, and I went to a dinner/play at First Evangelical Free Church. Mom had read about it in the Community Calendar in the paper, and immediately thought of our shared passion for plays. The dinner was scrumptious, although we had a good laugh when Angie mistook the star shaped white chocolate candies for butter and tried to spread it on her rolls! It flipped off her knife into the air and slid across the carpet! We’re SO refined!

The menu was roast turkey, baby vegetables, the afore-mentioned rolls, new red potatoes, cranberry sauce, and chocolate éclairs. Delicious!

We sat with four ladies who were decked out in green ensembles and St. Patrick’s Day scarves. They were older and SO adorable. I hope I still have a passion for style and fashion when I’m in my seventies.

The play was The Last Convert, based on the true experiences of the Revered John Harper who was on the Titanic during its fateful journey. Revered Harper switched his family’s tickets from the Lusitania to the Titanic because he felt led by God.

After helping his young daughter and niece get on a lifeboat, Revered Harper went down with the ship. With his lifejacket on, he swam from group to group giving the gospel message, asking if people wanted to be saved.

He came upon a man, a history professor who had been particularly resistant to the gospel while on board ship, and asked if he wanted to be saved. Not understanding, the man said he could not be saved since he didn’t have a lifejacket. Revered Harper slipped off his lifejacket and gave it to the man.

He said, “Here, you need this more than I do. For I am not going down, I’m going up.” And with that, he slipped beneath the icy waters on his way to heaven. The man later accepted the Lord as his Savior and credited Revered Harper for saving his life – earthly AND eternal.

The story was very moving and excellently acted by the cast. There were some great performances from child and teenage actors. The actor who played John Harper also sang several songs in a deep bass voice that I especially enjoyed (since it reminded me of Dad).

It was nice to spend the evening enjoying Christian entertainment where I didn’t have to question everything like I often do in movies and television. I had no idea that First EV Free hosted this sort of thing. Mom and I were so impressed. We are definitely planning on going if they have a dinner/play again.

And this time, we’ll know the difference between the candy and the butter.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Long Silence

It’s funny how looking at my sad, un-updated blog made me feel like I was being anti-social.

Every time I had a few seconds to stop by my blog, I felt guilty for not updating it. Just a few months ago, I didn’t know what a blog was, and now I feel bad for not keeping it current. And I call myself a writer! (said with much self-deprecation).

This truth was further confirmed when I received several e-mails asking if I was okay. After all my rambling about high blood pressure, and whatnot, everyone was concerned that I might be ailing (I’ve always wanted to use that word!).

Thankfully, I’m fine. Well, as fine as my quirky (weird) self can be.

While I was on a busy, accidentally self-imposed blog vacation, I had recurring thoughts on what to blog. One theme that kept coming up was my co-workers. I work with a variety of people, much (MUCH) like the show The Office. In fact, Brett doesn’t get that show, and I said, “Anyone who has EVER worked in an office TOTALLY gets that show.”

My co-workers can be….fill in description here. But for the past couple of weeks, I’ve been blessed with laughter within the four walls of my office. I went to work and went home appreciating the good humor of the day. My friend (and super-mom-home-business-worker-college-student) Angie once said that many stay-at-home moms hunger for adult conversations and humor after being home with babblers all day. Knowing that makes me appreciate the comedy of my co-workers even more. It says something when you look forward to going to work because of WHO you are working along side.

So, that was one topic. Others occurred to me, I’m sure.

But, for now, I’m going to write up my weekend and get everybody all caught up with my life. The good news is that I didn’t update my blog due to being busy, and busy mostly with good stuff.

The long silence has ended!