Thursday, November 15, 2007


Ah, how the Lord must look at me and shake His mighty head.

If you will recall, not that long ago, I was piteously moaning and groaning about how lonely I felt at my church.

Had I just been patient! I wouldn’t have to NOW be so obvious about why I am just a big crybaby.

The truth is, for the past few months, the Lord has allowed some unique friendships with the women at my church to blossom. It is almost (well, not almost, really exactly, is more like it) as if He was saying, “Just wait, my child.”

I, of course, like a stupid blundering sheep ran bleating into the night. “Baa! No baaady likes me. No baaady!”

The Shepherd must really wonder about me at times.

Thanks to a wide variety of new opportunities, God had blessed me with new friends. Several people I’ve met at Kids 4 Truth, and even more I’ve gotten to know though LBS – Ladies Bible Study.

Our Ladies Bible Study is currently going through the book of Philippians. It is an amazing, convicting study, and I’ve enjoyed the spiritual unity and growth taking place in our group.

Last Tuesday, we had a great time of sistership (we are not fellows) and delved into the meaning of striving for the gospel and contending for the faith, as well as an intense focus on unity.

I left the study feeling strong in the Spirit and unified. Of course, once I got home, I had a FABS time.

What is FABS, you may ask. Why, it’s a Fight After Bible Study, of course!

Why is it that after a night of strong study in the Word, I was SO susceptible to a fight with my husband?

And over something incredibly STOOPID.

I’m not kidding. Actual conversation:

HUBS: Can you sign these papers? I’ll take them upstairs.”
FLUBS: Can’t I sign the down here? I’m still in my work clothes.

HUBS: But I’M halfway up the stairs already.
FLUBS: But I’M downstairs.

HUBS: C’mon, just come upstairs.
FLUBS: YOU COME ON. Back down the stairs.

This argument continued ad nauseum and eventually ended in me stomping up the stairs with the maturity of a spoiled eight year old and using several unladylike words to describe exactly how I was feeling.

My husband responded by going to sleep while I was still fuming with my blood pressure creeping toward record levels

Of course, in the middle of my selfish little tantrum, I realized I was NOT striving for the gospel or unity – in my home, let alone in my heart. I woke HUBS up to apologize, and (to my surprise) received an apology in return.

We both said that we WERE tired, and really should have both been willing to compromise, but of course compromise is hard to think about when you’re being incredibly selfish.

Either way, I was grateful for the LBS, especially since I believe the Lord used it to show me how I need to be aware of FABS and continually be aware my inner nature doesn’t need much encouragement to get off track.

Special Note:

During LBS, our pastor’s wife was describing how she was being a “Philippian” spiritually at times.

I misheard and thought she said she was being a “Filipino.”

I almost laughed and was only saved by the fact that no one else cracked a smile, so I knew I hadn’t heard correctly.

Only me, folks.

That would only happen to me!

I have numerous stories to tell about LBS, including Jumbo Bible and the Jenna & Judy Are My Co-pilots bumper stick I plan to purchase.

But that is a post for another day.


Robin Hayes said...

I am deeply anticipating your two future posts mentioned at the end of this one. They sound quite intriguing! I really missed being there that night!

I recall more than once coming home from LBS and having my mood totally deflated because I was coming home to a messy kitchen. Why did I even bother going away if I had to come home to such a mess. Never mind the fact that my husband had sent me away and stayed home with three children while I had some grown-up time...I am such a selfish creature!

Wendy said...

You are HILARIOUS! I think I've told you that before, but I have to again! Just so funny,really. You shuld start submitting stuff!!

I love the "no baaady likes me." Hahaha. Been there, done that.

We all have those FABS times, too. Only ours is usually FAC (Fight after church.) Satan feels threatened when we're filling our hearts and focusing our minds on our Father. A divided house can't stand... so he works on division, in our churches and in our homes. He's craftier than we give him credit for.
My Bible study leader warned us to be extra diligent after "Mountain top experiences."
Sorry, long comment.

The Beard Bunch said...

I just got home from my LBS. What a great thing to be able to be a part of; I wouldn't trade it for anything----learning from God and his Word and growing close to some other ladies. I know what you felt like being all alone. When we first started going to our church (3 years ago), I felt so isolated. God used that time to teach me that I don't need anyone else to worship Him; I just need Him, and I can find Him anywhere and on anyday. Hey, this is getting long, but I loved your post, and it really got me going.

Heidi said...

OOhh ouch, Robin. I have done that.
I guess I missed something. I hate missing the study. I am glad it was good.
I am secretely (okay, maybe not so secretly), hoping that my parents bus will come in at 10:00 instead of 7:00 so that I can go to LBS.