Monday, July 23, 2007

Movie Church?!

This weekend went by SO fast.

I was up to my eyeballs in work at the office on Friday and Saturday, so that sucked up most of my weekend.

But, we did get to enjoy a nice game night with Mom and Gary on Saturday evening. We played guys against girls in Sequence.

The “girls” lost three times in a row! It was a serious beating! Mom and I were more than happy to throw in the towel after three consecutive losing games, even though the guys were willing to keep playing…and keep winning!

Sunday was church, and (to be honest) it was kind of a mixed bag.

We enjoyed the service, as always, but I’m always so lonely. I still can’t get used to not being part of a social network at church.

Maybe these women do things together during the week that I’m just not a part of. I don’t know. I mean, we don’t have kids, so we’re not home schooling or even regular schooling. We’re not adopting. Maybe we just don’t have common ground. It shouldn’t matter, but who knows?

Karyn and Heidi came up and talked to me for a while, and I really appreciated it. Otherwise, I felt like a spot on the carpet, nearly invisible.

Sunday evening was a treat – we watched a movie! Time Changers – a Christian movie about a man who travels forward in time (from 1890) to present day and sees what his views were leading the world towards. It was actually a very nice movie. Some vaguely funny scenes and a good message.

I’ve been spoiled by Hollywood (take that any way you want), so I put my inner movie critic on hold and just enjoyed the fellowship and the message behind the movie.

There was even popcorn, lemonade, and iced tea to enjoy with the movie. What a great concept!

Brett and I didn’t get any popcorn, even though we went back for it numerous times. The little kids just kept going past us to the front of the line (for four and five helpings), and we just didn’t feel it was our place to point out that we adults were waiting for popcorn, too.

After all, it’s just popcorn!

Next time, I’ll pop some 94% Fat Free in advance and bring it with us!

It was a wonderful atmosphere, and we enjoyed the movie. But afterwards, driving home, we were both kind of depressed by our lack of church friends.

Brett asked me how I felt, since I think he could tell I was a little down.

“I just feel like I don’t know how to make friends with these people.” I told him. “There’s just not that familiarity yet, I guess. It bums me out because until now I felt like I really could make friends with anybody!”

Still, as I was praying this morning, I said those words (that my mother taught me SO long ago), “I only want to have the friends God wants me to have.”

So I prayed God would provide me with godly friends in HIS time, in HIS place, and from the people HE chooses.

I can’t argue with that!

I do have to say I’ve especially appreciated Heidi, Karyn, and Joy and how they’ve always stopped to talk to me. I thrive on conversation, and it means a lot to me.

God HAS generously provided their kind friendship!


Heidi said...

It deeply humbles me that I can be seen as a friend.
I will gladly go places with you sometime (I am more particular about the movies I see though).
I am glad that the movie was good. It is unfortunate that not all the adults got popcorn due to the inconsiderate children (and parents). The adults have to be able to get some too.
We enjoyed the concert. There was no popcorn, but I am not a big popcorn person anyway.

Ann-Marie said...

Thanks, Heidi!

Don't worry, I'd never drag you to a movie you didn't want to go to. I know how that is!

Yeah, the popcorn incident. I guess this was the first "movie and popcorn" night at church, so hopefully, they'll learn from it for next time. That's how things get progressively better.

Although, if anyone from church reads this, they're going to think - "that big popcorn hog!" Ha! Ha! Can I be a hog even when I didn't get any?! Ha! Ha! As my cousin Charity likes to say, "Ann-Marie, your only child is showing!"

Thanks for the support. I didn't HAVE to have to have popcorn, but it would have been nice! On the plus side, I DID get lemonade!

Brett thinks next time we (the church) should buy those big bags of pre-popped popcorn (like at Sam’s) and have that as an alternate choice, since it takes so long to pop the popcorn in the machine. Who cares if it’s hot, as long as it’s fresh, you know?

Oh well, letting it go…now.

Heidi said...

If I ever want to go to a movie for a girls night out, I will look you up.
I hope I don't sound pious as I have little kids too that would probably get in line several times.

I do agree that since it is the first experience with this, maybe it will be a learning experience.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately church is rarely the place to find friends. Until I started going to First Babtist in Centerton I never had a single friend from church... not in 28 years of church-going! That's one reason that I my church so much now. On the other hand, when you need friends at church, you might consider inviting your own =) And if you really hate being left out, then open your eyes and look for your counterparts. In a church that is not friendly (most of them) there is often someone else looking for friendship. Don't wait on them to find you. Just go out and find them.
Or move to Arkansas and come to my church =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry: that's one reason that I LIKE my church so much now =)

Wendy said...

First comment: tip with the kids. Last time a kid cut in line in front of me, I just tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to hand me my popcorn (it was our church movie night, too!) He did and then smiled, as if he'd done a wonderful favor for me. So we both felt good. :-)

Second, on friends: Unfortunately, I think October is right. Church is not necessarily the place to make friends, as sad as that is. They get networks going, and it's hard to squeeze in. I had maybe ten people come up and say hi to me when we went, but then they went back to their circle.

Fred and I felt very alone at our movie night. We have four kids, so I don't think the kid-thing has a lot to do with it. Although, that has helped me make several of my best friendships in the past, but not through church.

Anyway, you are not alone.

Ann-Marie said...

You guys are so sweet! Thanks for the advice and the support!

Patrick Berryman said...

As the unofficial popcorn popper person (and more than likely the parent of one or more of the inconsiderate children), I apologize. We hadn't been at it long before we realized we did not have the capacity to pop enough for everyone there. The machine is fine for home movie night with our crew, but when you add a hundred more people, it doesn't work so well. The suggestion about buying a big bag is a great idea, and one that probably will be acted upon for the next movie night.

In the mean time, Lacey and I will have to have you and Brett over so that you can enjoy the popcorn and some fellowship.

Ann-Marie said...

We figured it must have been just a frustrating for the “poppers” as it was for the “poppees” since you guys were barraged with hungry moviegoers all night long without a moment of peace!

And, let me say, it was extremely generous of you to loan your personal popcorn machine for the evening!

I thought the evening overall was very nice, and I hope you realize my post was more about helping to improve things for next time than just complaining about minor inconveniences (although I’ve been known to do that…on occasion…often).

Thanks also for the kind offer of fellowship. We’d love to get together with you as well!