Thursday, July 19, 2007

Brand New Blog

True to my word, I started a FAT Blog. Kudos to Tancy for blazing the trail before me.

The name for my new blog came late in the game and in a sudden whirl of inspiration. It just seemed to fit (unlike my current pair of jeans).

I settled on Breaking the Scale, because it can be taken numerous ways.

First, there is the possibility of being (or feeling) so fat you fear stepping on the scale will cause it to implode.

Secondly, breaking the habit of weighing yourself, of reducing your personhood to mere numbers, is an accomplishment.

Thirdly, the way I like to think of it, breaking the scale is a way of showing you are who YOU are and (while you should pursue a healthy lifestyle) not who or what the rest of the world thinks you should be.

Feel free to check it out.

But, again, let me warn you. If you are not a fiendish food freak who obsesses over every meal and morsel, you might find it incredibly dull.

But if you’ve ever actually WANTED to break a scale (over your knee) please head on over and check it out.

I’ve linked to it on the right

1 comment:

mom2mine said...

Can't wait!

I still need to quit neglecting mine. Maybe that is part of the reason, I am antidiet right now.