Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Because You Worked

After many years of working in administration, medical records, childcare, and retail, my amazing mother is retiring. Since I am (as always) broke, I’ve used my meager talent to write her a poem. Every word is true and (as it was one of the easiest things I’ve ever written) it turns out that I’ve been thinking about it for 28 years.

Because You Worked
To my working mother on the occasion of her retirement

Because you worked
I knew I was important to you

Because you worked
My needs (and many of my wants) were met

Because you worked
I learned how to prioritize the important things in life

Because you worked
I gained knowledge of balance in a home

Because you worked
I learned how to positively present myself

Because you worked
We always had new things to talk about

Because you worked
I learned that women can have a powerful voice in the world

Because you worked
Dad didn’t have to carry the financial burden alone

Because you worked
I learned women can change the world through their actions

Because you worked
I watched you create friendships with other strong, independent, and intelligent women

Because you worked
I learned that what I do with my life matters

Because you worked
I was encouraged to venture outside my comfort zone and make a difference

Because you worked
I knew men and women were equal

Because you worked
I learned how to resolve conflicts

Because you worked
I was inspired to follow my dreams, too

Because you worked
Many people (who will never read a Bible or pray) saw your life and were blessed

So, if you’re ready to stop
If you want to move on
I hope you’ll find even more happiness
I know you deserve it

Because you worked

1 comment:

Sturgill said...

Ann Marie,

I had to comment, I think I will be the first one. I have only commented on one other persons blog and it ended up being a bad situation. It is difficult for me to harness my sarcastic and blunt nature. With you I don't need to worry about it.

Congratulations to your mom! She has always been a blessing to me.