Saturday, December 06, 2008

Thanks, Tears & Telling

I want to thank all of the people who commented on my last post.

Infertility is an ever-shifting, changing weight in my life. The uncertainty and emotional upheaval often send me spiraling into a crash, such as the one at Hallmark.

But I assure you that, like 95% of the time, I am actually somewhat emotionally stable! Well, maybe 85% of the time.

Recently, I reconnected with my college friend, Valorie. Several of you asked me who she was after she commented on my last post. I’m both pleased and delighted to tell you she is the “infamous” Valorie who graciously introduced me to my husband in college!

She was the friend who talked me into participating in GYROFAD where my blind date was with the tall, hairy, bearded man, 9 years my senior, who would one day learn to use the dishwasher (I can dream, can’t I?).

In all seriousness, without God’s using Valorie, I wouldn’t have met Brett! And for that, I’m very thankful!

I say all this, because I was perusing Valorie’s blog, and came upon this post. I found myself smiling and laughing (not crying over a stuffed frog) at her story of a poignantly funny family conversation around the dining room table. I urge you to check it out!

P.S. – Valorie married a Moody “boy,” too. Her husband, Phil, was actually in our class (NOT 9 years her senior), and he always stood out to me as a very kind, decent, and funny person. I did kind of laugh to see that now – after all these years – Brett is completely clean-shaven, and Phil sports a beard! Ah, the irony!


Valorie said...

You are too sweet, my dear! I am so glad we were able to reconnect! Oh, and my husband still hasn't learned how to use the dishwasher either. We can keep dreaming together. ;o)

Juliet said...

I'm glad that Valorie has a blog too. It's always fun to keep connected with MBI friends.