Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Funniest Typo Yet!

Since I type all day at my job, typos are a common occurrence. Thank the good Lord for spell check, you know?

One of these days, I’m going to have to write a list of my funniest typos, but just a few days ago, I made my funniest one yet.

Intended sentence: “…working over 50 hours a week.”

Typo: “…whoring over 50 hours a week.”

Oops! Talk about your big mistakes.


Anonymous said...

It's only funny because it's not true. I'd like to see your list though.

Cindy Swanson said...

That's an instant classic.

Ann-Marie said...

Tob - I know!!! I was shocked for an instant, and then I could NOT stop laughing. I was like, "Well, THAT'S not what I meant!"

Alice said...

OK, I was going to make a comment but I'm not sure it would make it through the inappropriate filter. So I guess I won't. Glad you caught the typo though...

Wendy said...

Anything Brett should know about?

Wendy said...

IT would be even funnier if he had caught the typo!

Pappy said...

For Shame! Jezebel!
This reminds me of several typos I encountered in my own life. But the one that comes immediately to mind is when I dictated "further efforts would be futile," and the copy came back "further efforts would be feudal". Several recipients immediately grabbed horses, outfitted themselves in armor and prepared for a joust.
Took a little more than "Whiteout" to correct...
Love, Uncle Jimmy