Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sam at One Month


Wendy said...

OH OHHHH He's sooooo cute!! I love the one that looks like he's shielding his face from the camera. Hilarious.
A.M- I think he looks like you! :-D

The Beard Bunch said...

I love your pictures---all of them, but I think the first one is my favorite! I couldn't believe when I opened your blog and saw the headline---"Sam at one month." It is just me losing track of time again.

Juliet said...

Love the first photo...but also love the one where he is asleep and seems to be smiling.

Jennittia said...

They are just plain priceless!!! He is beautiful!

Alice said...

Really? One month already?!? He is so beautiful...

tania martin said...

wow! very cute and precious! love the first one and the one smiling.